Cellevat3d® NanoMatrice

Cell culture plates for
Life Science Research

Cellevat3d® NanoMatrice™ is a nanofiber-based platform designed for in vitro testing that can be used as a powerful tool for studying cells in 3D applications due to its high resemblance to the extracellular matrix. Cellevat3d® NanoMatrice™ based products for Neuro applications have already been successfully used and generated results in cell culture applications.


  • Aligned fibres; in vivo-like scale
  • Available in a range of formats
  • Ease of use/integration
  • Animal free


  • Compatible with standard workflow
  • In vivo-likeness
  • Faster maturation than standard solutions
  • Increased differentiation
  • Supports long term cultures
  • Possibility for indirect and controlled co-cultures
  • Possibility for HTS
  • Possibility for electrophysiology measurements


  • Valuable platform for studying myelination biology with human-derived cells
  • Enables exploration of myelin-related diseases: schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, autism
  • Powerful tool for investigating mechanisms and therapies for complex neurological disorders

Product list

Product codeProductScaffold format
100-0912-well plateNon-removable scaffold
100-1112-well plateRemovable scaffold
100-1324-well plateNon-removable scaffold
100-1524-well plateRemovable scaffold
100-1748-well plateNon-removable scaffold
100-1948-well plateRemovable scaffold
100-2196-well plateNon-removable scaffold

Customized Research Solutions

Cellevat3d® nanotechnology provides a high degree of customizability and flexibility making it a perfect tool for researchers, primarily focusing on the areas of oncology, immunology and neurodegenerative diseases.

Customized research projects based on Cellevat3d® have successfully generated results across a large range of cell culture applications from stem cells- MSc, PSC, HSC, hASC to CHO, HEK, PBMC, CTC and NK cells.

For more information, please read publication list.

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